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Showing posts from 2015

Best Friend

Assalamualaykum, since i was a little girl till now, everytime i was asked with this question, i'll be dumb. more like thinking, deep thinking, it's like the hardest question ever. "Who's your best friend?" ugh. if you asked me , who i love the most .. that'd be easy. my mom dad siblings and my big family. but dont ever ask me who's my bff. i seriously cant answer that. not that i dont have any. i have.. but .. i dont know how to say it.. like it's complicated.. i was afraid that if .. (let's create a scene here to make it easier to understand the situation. ACTION!) Friend : Hey, who's ur best friend? Me : *shyly* you Friend : oh seriously ? *then that's the end of the conversation* Me : . . . . . . . . . . . . oh like i wasn't waiting for her to tell me the same thing ! but she didn't. that's what i was afraid of. humiliation + rejection it hurts.No kidding. Then, when i was 9 y/o , i was the middl

Know and Love

How can one love Allah when they dont even know him? they dont know who's their Creator, it is not enough to know our god by just knowing the shahadah, by just praying, by just reciting the Quran, when actually we dont know the meaning,the purpose of all this acts of worship. How can one love Rasulullah SAW when they dont even know him? they dont know who's their prophet, who brought Islam and peace to the world, who should forever be our idol, who had love us even before we were born. i wonder why, it's easy for teenagers nowdays to know every single detail about their "crush" ? by stalking FB,Twitter,Instagram, stalking here and there,try to be close with their crush's friend, just to be close to their crush. why ? but then,why is it so hard for human,for people to get to know Allah SWT and Rasulullah SAW, do the same stalking.. just that using different medium, stalk Al-Quran, where we dont need internet or wifi connectio

2016 Resolutions

Assalamualaykum. orite. as you can see up there. right above the title of this post. it's 26th of December, it has been. like forever since the last post hewhewhew -.- no time meh. asasi is so packed with............ everything. whenever there's a free time,i never even once remember about updating this poor page. but whenever i m too busy with everything, i'll be "I wanna update my blog ! " yes. that's me. @.@ kay back to the topic. me and my roommate. started of our sem2 with some new resolutions. which can be quite challenging and mentally exhausting. No more movies in weekdays. Sleep less. Eat less. Talk less. Laugh less. Spend less. (okay. i should change the title to 'To-Less-Do List' Ask lectures straight away when i dont understand anything. To study harder and smarter ! Stop procrastinate. ( which im doing now -.- , should be revising bio) To be more religious. To be more organized and tidy. To stop talking nonsense

Life as a Pre-U Student [Part 2]

Assalamualaykum.Annyeong yeorobun. Haha Ok. Still surviving. Ya Allah..seriously,I don’t know what've been going on this year. Like 2015 is gonna end soon 0.0’ So fast ! I never had the chance to enjoy and taste the bittersweet of 2015 ! We,students were so preoccupied with assignments,tests,quizzes and all that , we didn’t hv the chance to actually enjoy like exploring Sarawak. Sadlife Weekends? Free time ? Pft yeah .. “weekend” , Saturday Sunday Let me tell you,Saturday, is more to Sleep Day. Sunday , work day -.- we hv to complete our assignments and also do some research for PBL(Problem Based Learning) So apparently,we don’t hv time to explore. But last few days,Merdeka,we got an extra holiday,Saturday,Sunday, and MONDAY ! Wohoo..the only free time we spent, went to Santubong ! I’ll tell you about that in another post. :P > Usrah Okay. Just to let you know,in Asasi , there’s no ‘Pendidikan Islam’ subject. So we kinda dont hv the religious

Life as a Pre-U Student [Part 1]

Assalamualaykum.. okay,it's been like almost a month since i entered UNIMAS Alhamdulillah I'M SURVIVING ! hahaha Actually, i planned to update my blog ever since the first week i stayed here.. but... Dont ever dream about being online when u enter Pre-U, *Ni pon curi masa kat Library..demi junior2 yg akn menjejak kaki di alam U nnti aceyh* okay.. im gonna start form the beginning.. That is MAP (Majlis Aluan Pelajar) It's like Orientation Day which lasted for 3 days i swear it was tiring. +.+ there's these seniors.. they are called as LO (Liaison Officer) *mak aii garang nk mampos* We were scared to death haha i cried quietly once.. seriously.. cause they were scolding and yelling and all that which made me felt cold sweat running on my back. We prayed hard for these suffering days to come to an end.. Finally,when D-Day came,which was the final day we had to be under the LOs care, i swear i was super happy hahaha on that day,we gathered at the usual plac


Assalamualaykum.. okay.. hahaha *laughing at myself* this is my .. I think.. third blog..the first two I created when I was in my high school.. then later I deleted them cause.. they were full of "Junk" hahaha rubbish stories.. ok.. this time let's be serious.. im the type that LOVE to share stories/experience .. hmm who knows my stories could inspire some people ppfftt or help them somehow LOL you guys can call me Minnie. I really hope u guys don't recognize the real me HAHA coz I wanna keep it as a mysterious person what else? oh the thing is.. im on my way to.. hmm how to say it, im gonna be a university student soon ! haha like really soon. im entering UNIMAS , in Sarawak  of course.. ill be doing Asasi in Sains Hayat.. so I thought it'll be an interesting journey  and  I should write about it. my flight is at 4 pm today, wish me luck ! I guess my second post will be from Sarawak hehe see ya soon ! p/s: I still haven&