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Showing posts from October, 2019

13 Reasons Why

Assalamualaykum wbt. I just felt like a strong urge to do a review about this English Teen Drama, out in 2017. Few days ago, I came across a video from MLstudios that was about Sexual Assault/Joke (Lawak Lucah) shared by @akhifairuz. As I was reading the comments below the video, one of the comments said that this video reminded her about a poor girl named Hannah in the Drama 13 Reasons Why. Hence, with this uncontrollable curiosity in myself, without further a do I started to watch the drama. Allow me to tell you a little bit about this drama. It has 3 seasons by far and they are planning to come up with the forth and final season. This drama is basically about a girl named Hannah Baker, who committed suicide. Before she died, she recorded a voice diary in tapes (13) venting about how her life began to become deadly awful and who were the people that caused her to take her own life. Each tape tells about each individual that killed her and all of them received these tapes a

Otak kau! Edisi Perempuan

Assalamualaykum wbt . Ya tuan-tuan dan puan-puan, aku sudah lama meninggalkan blog ini sejak menghabiskan pengajian di UNIMAS. Memang duduk di rumah sahaja ini lebih banyak masa 'free' daripada di universiti tetapi aku harus akui, makin berkarat otak aku ini. Tiada lagi idea-idea menjelma semasa 'shower' dan semasa mencuci kain baju dengan tangan. Tiada lagi inspirasi tiba-tiba di waktu malam ketika aku sedang baring menghadap siling dan kipas. Jadi, apa yang membuatkan aku kembali bersemangat menaip di sini? Tempoh hari, Nasra hantar link blognya ke dalam 'group whatsapp' kami. Dia berjaya menulis sebuah entri baru setelah sekian lama, katanya. Jadi, timbul lah idea dari benak fikiran aku ini. Memandangkan kami semua seperti kehilangan semangat dan idea untuk menulis, apakata kita ambil alternatif untuk beri tema entri bergilir-gilir. Minggu ini, mengikut tema yang Nasra telah bawa iaitu perempuan, kami bersetuju untuk menulis apa sahaja yang berkaitan dengan