Months ago, one of my good friends posted a beautiful writing in her Instagram story. I feel like I really need to share it to all of you. Here's what she wrote: "As a kid, I was really attracted to left-handed people because they are different. Out of the amazement, I started using my left-side for most of the things; playing badminton, soccer-- even the simplest thing like holding a book & wearing a watch (of course I even tried writing & sketching but that's when I know my limit *laughing emoji). Being different is amazing, but trying to be different by not being yourself is hard. Reflect & find yourself, that's how you're going to be different from everyone else." (Syaurah, @syaurahnb) I felt like Allah sent her to write this for me as I have been waiting for the right opener (read: push factor) to tell my story. What Im going to share here is a personal story of mine that had impacted me a lot since I was little girl. A story about why...
"Everything belongs to Allah" هذا من فضل ربّي