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Poem: If I May

  Title: If I May Theme: Spiritual Reminder   If I may, I need you to tell me, That the world is temporary, And less people are wary, About the end that they will carry.   If I may, Remind me, please, Whether in hardship or ease, And no matter what I’ve seized, It’s only Him I have to please.   If I may, Give me a guarantee, For all the ambiguities, And for all the uncertainties, He’s always here, providing clarities.      If I may, Let it be known, For happiness to be owned, Live simply do not moan, And that’s the biggest don’t.   If I may, Help my thought to mend, That failure is not the end, Put trust in His hand, For I’ll be guided till the very end. - Muneera, 21st June 2018
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