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Showing posts from February, 2016

Missing Piece

Assalamualaykum. Just sharing. These few days,some of my friends hv been worrying about how they are feeling. Somehow,they feel empty. The feel something missing. *You know when you go back to your Grandparents' house and they are not there anymore.. that kind of missing feel you had .. painful right ?* But This feel is more than that, because you DON'T know what's causing it to feel this way. Now,They are trying their best to find out what is the missing piece     When they told me this, I was taken back by their situation. I knew they were hoping for some advices from me. But unfortunately, i seriously dont know what to say. All i can say is that, Keep searching for the missing piece. Keep in mind that,maybe Allah wants us to search for it,search for Him. Plead Him for the Peace of Heart. You Know what? Allah loves us more than the love of a mother to her child. No Kidding. Probably we hv been carried away by our busy lives and we forgot to please Him,we for

Worth It

Assalamualaykum, Ive been listening to Harris J – Worth It. Then I realized the lyrics are so meaningful. It contains all the things that hv been laying mixed in my head. It's way too late, but I'm still wide-awake ‘Cause I can't sleep yet, I can't sleep yet Got a thousand words, That won't stop running circles Around in my head, around in my head Sometimes I feel just like these days and nights will never end But will I ever get this chance again? So I pray, yes I pray ‘Cause I know the life I want When it's hard, I keep working I‘ll never give this up Because I know, it's worth, it in the end I know it's worth, worth, worth Worth it in the, in the end Yeah I know sometimes I should relax my mind And take it easy, take it easy If I fight my way through every single page Then I'm a winner, I'm not a quitter, no! Sometimes I feel just like these days and nights will never end But will I ever get this chance again? So I pray, yes

Jaulah Ke Sabah [ Part II ]

Day 3- Thursday (11 Feb 16) That morning.. Mesyi said the scenery there during the sunrise will be splendid .. so.. apalagi.. I grabbed the camera.. keluar rumah dgn Zakiah, jln2 kat luar to capture the precious moment. Cantik sgt sgt sgt Pastu.. balik homestay tu.. muslimat , pak cik , and anas dok masak. Maggi ! breakfast maggi kot ! Sedapppp Mcm Haziq ckp.. felt like we were one big family J Then, we checked out from there. Went to Pekan Kundasang. We went to – War Memorial,Pusat Latihan Dakwah and… DESA CATTLE.KG MESILOU. Perghhh seriously acah acah kat New Zealand sat. Nah tgk je gmbar2 kat bawah ni ye. Then… Kinabalu Park, Rumah Terbalik and 3D Museum ! Malam tu pi.. Darul Hadis ! dengan mata separuh bukak.. otak x stabil semua.. gagahkan diri juga.. sbb dah janji . Ketibaan kami disambut dengan Qasidah Adik2 Tahfiz ..YA Allah.. Rasa bersalah plak sbb melawat depa dgn muka cam panda bear ni

Jaulah Ke Sabah [ Part I ]

Assalamualaykum,’s been ages since my last post right ? Actually I ve dozens of stories to share , BUT im gonna write about the latest event first that is…... JAULAH (trip) TO SABAH ! It was AWESOME . seriously *touched* Even tho I was excited , I was planning to tell the story a bit later... until.. Haziq (one of our Jaulah member) finished updating his blog ! and I cant deny , it was good ! plus ! he wrote his story in Bahasa utagha ! I was like  .. haihhh sis tercabar ni ! It’s not that I don’t want to write in BM or kacang lupakan kulit , NO. It’s just that, this is my way of improving my English T.T (( xpa.. kita campoq Bahasa ja lah dlm post kali ni.. muahaha)) Ok back to the topic , where to begin ? Day 1- Tuesday (09 Feb 16) We arrived at KKIA (Kota Kinabalu International Airport).Oh before that ! We went to Sabah by Rayani Air.. and.. u know what happened? I think the plane is quite an old plane.. cause when we depart,the plane shooked like.. Allahu A