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Jaulah Ke Sabah [ Part II ]

Day 3- Thursday (11 Feb 16)
That morning.. Mesyi said the scenery there during the sunrise will be splendid .. so.. apalagi.. I grabbed the camera.. keluar rumah dgn Zakiah, jln2 kat luar to capture the precious moment.
Cantik sgt sgt sgt

Pastu.. balik homestay tu.. muslimat , pak cik , and anas dok masak. Maggi ! breakfast maggi kot !
Mcm Haziq ckp.. felt like we were one big family J

Then, we checked out from there. Went to Pekan Kundasang. We went to – War Memorial,Pusat Latihan Dakwah and… DESA CATTLE.KG MESILOU. Perghhh seriously acah acah kat New Zealand sat.
Nah tgk je gmbar2 kat bawah ni ye.

Then… Kinabalu Park, Rumah Terbalik and 3D Museum !

Malam tu pi.. Darul Hadis ! dengan mata separuh bukak.. otak x stabil semua.. gagahkan diri juga.. sbb dah janji . Ketibaan kami disambut dengan Qasidah Adik2 Tahfiz ..YA Allah.. Rasa bersalah plak sbb melawat depa dgn muka cam panda bear ni. 3Kg black pigment bawah kelopak mata ni.

Day 4 – Friday (12 Feb 16)
SAPI ISLAND ! I ve been waiting for this moment since the first day ! because there’ll be barbeque!
Pulau Sapi was totally beautiful. Actually that was my second time there. The last time I went there when I was form 1 I guess. I did parasailing .weee ~
But.. anyway..the feel now is different. Because.. now.. im with my friends.
Usually, when me and family do our barbeque.. big bros(cousins) conquer the grill. Me and the ladies just sit back and enjoy the food. Hahaha
Tapi.. ni lain cita skit.. disbbkan bbdak muslimin dah bayar utk snorkling.. syg lah klu depa dok grill ja .. x swim kan ? bg la chance.. ha pi main jauh2 sinun anak2 sekalian. Tinggal Anas yg tolong nyalakan arang bagai.
Tp depa actually dtg jenguk la gak.. ha.. baik sebenaqnya . Alhamdulillah.
THEN ! something shocking happened ! HAHA ni sgt takkan dilupakan .
Ayam utk dipanggang smpi. Tgk2 .. hamik kau.. 3 ekoq ayam seketui seketui fresh tak potong lagi. MasyaAllah. And of course.. berubah sudah wajah2 muslimat2 yg dikasihi. Semua muka stress. Hahaha plus.. x de apa apa bahan bbq pon. Semata mata daging ayam ja.
Aku dan Ima pon cam er.. “mcm mana ni Ima ?”
Ima : “Jom kita pergi tny lg restaurant tu.. mana tau bila perempuan tny diorg bagi ke..”
Aku : “Jom”
Pergi lah kami berdua.. pujuk mak cik kedai mkn depan tu. At first.. she refused to help us. But after begging and begging her .. she finally said yes. Huhuhuhu tapi dia potong 2 ekoq ja. Lg satu.. dia tak nk sbb tak cukup air di dapoq tu.
Redha ja lah. Janji boleh mkn ayam dah lepas ni.
Pastu dtg lah lg 2 super heroin J Jiha and Azirah.. so kami buat luahan perasaan jap kat situ hahahaha stress sbb muslimat lain stress .  cuci ayam kat hujung pulau. Nun jauh dr site kami. Sambil cuci smbil luahkan isi hati yg terbuku.
Lepas tu Alhamdulillah.. beres bab ayam. Just hv to wait for Dzul and Maziz that went back to main land to buy ingredients for our BBQ.then.. muslimat lain balik ke site.. after jln2 kat pulau release stress kot hahah.. diorg nmpk ayam dah siap potong. CERIA terus hahahahaha nmpk beza kot riak wajah depa. Seb baik Comey. Klu tak.. kak Mun rotan dah dok stress stress ni.
Pastu.. smpi lah sos BBQ. Then Alhamdulillah.. settle bab mknan. Perut Happy semua Happy.
Later evening.. went to UMS (Aquaria) then pasar Philiphines. Shopping Mutiara .

Oh ya ! went to Amirul’s house ! cantikkkk kottt. And got ourselves goodybegs each. THANK U AMIRUL AND FAMILY !

Day 5 – Saturday (13 Feb 16) LAST DAY
Packed our begs.
Went to “PONDOK PAK CIK JAMAL” . Pondok yg sgt indah .

And went to Rumah Ust Zulkifli (Dzul’s ustaz) .
Taaruf there.Tak kenal maka tak cinta kan ?
Next, went to Dzul’s house! Had Lunch there. Rumah Dzul.. jgn ckp ah.. mcm Mini Istana. Untung laa Muslimin tido sana.
Pastu.. pergi Museum Sabah .. nice jugak museum tu ! I love bones !!! Haha k abaikan .
((Flight delayed till 8pm)) but it’s okay. We were not sad haha cause we didn’t wanna go back anyway.
Then…… it’s time. We had to go back to Unimas.In the airport.. the ‘suasana’ turns somehow ‘Syahdu’ . our hearts felt very heavy to leave Pak cik Jamal and Sabah. Im not lying.Our eyes were teary.
That’s the end of our Jaulah.
And we still cant move on. Because our hearts were attached to each other. We learnt and saw so many things together including each of our true colours.
"Leave your country in search of loftiness and travel! For in travel there is five benefits: Relief of adversity, earning of livelihood, knowledge, etiquette, and noble companionship."
—Imam as-Shafi

Yes,through this jaulah , it gave a great impact on me and my friends.
I get to know how my friends really are,
I learnt how muslimin really are, how muslimat need to tolerate a bit.
((sbb kajian membuktikan lelaki ni lambat matang HAHAHA))
I Realized.. bermusafir kerana Allah is not easy.
I prayed every day for Allah to make our journey easy,for Allah to drift away any Musibah.. but.. the more tests Allah gave us. SubhanaAllah. But.. after each tests.. Allah rewarded us with greater Ukhuwah(bonding),Understanding and Moments to remember.

Okay. Dah lama bertapa di Cais ni. Sejuk ni.
I d like to say. Jazakumullahukhayr to all sahabat2 Jaulah sekalian FOR EVERYTHING,
For organizing this Jaulah.For tolerating each of our attitudes.For tolerating my attitude for sure.For understanding.For all the feelings ive felt. And for all the precious moments. Maksehhh
And sorry , aasif atas sbrg kekurangan,kekasaran,salah silap semua ya.
Sorry if ada cerita yg berterabur ka apa ka kat atas tu.

That’s All. Sekian.


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