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Jaulah Ke Sabah [ Part I ]

Assalamualaykum,’s been ages since my last post right ?
Actually I ve dozens of stories to share , BUT im gonna write about the latest event first that is…... JAULAH (trip) TO SABAH !
It was AWESOME . seriously *touched*
Even tho I was excited , I was planning to tell the story a bit later... until.. Haziq (one of our Jaulah member) finished updating his blog ! and I cant deny , it was good ! plus ! he wrote his story in Bahasa utagha ! I was like  .. haihhh sis tercabar ni !
It’s not that I don’t want to write in BM or kacang lupakan kulit , NO. It’s just that, this is my way of improving my English T.T (( xpa.. kita campoq Bahasa ja lah dlm post kali ni.. muahaha))
Ok back to the topic ,
where to begin ?

Day 1- Tuesday (09 Feb 16)
We arrived at KKIA (Kota Kinabalu International Airport).Oh before that ! We went to Sabah by Rayani Air.. and.. u know what happened? I think the plane is quite an old plane.. cause when we depart,the plane shooked like.. Allahu Akbar.. i thought we were going to land back as soon as it took off. Then during the landing ! worst ! Mengucap lebih 10 kali kot.Baca segala doa yg terlintas kat otak.Alhamdulillah Allah protected us.
But the good thing about Rayani Air is, the stewardess wear hijab J and their crews practice saying ‘InsyaaAllah and Alhamdulillah’ when they announce anything.Including the pilot! And The pilot even recites Doa Naik Kenderaan. I saw a Chinese guy raised his hands too when the doa been recited ! *Touched lg*
Okay arrived at KKIA around 8 pm , then we went straight to Maimunah Restoran to hv dinner.
After that, we ( only the girls) checked in Homestay As-Syahadah J a cozy little house in some housing area near the airport. Just 10 mins from the airport if im not mistaken.
The boys went to Papar, they stayed in Dzul’s house ( Dzul = JPMU’s President).

Day 2- Wednesday (10 Feb 16)
Woke up around 3am in the morning to get ourselves ready,beautify ourselves.. that we sacrified our beauty sleep.. because .. we all know how girls ‘bersiap’ right ? then we wait for Subuh,prayed Jemaah and just hv to wait for the boys to come.. we wait … and wait .. and wait … almost 3 hours !
We were informed that they were supposed to come to our homestay. I don’t know.
Hahahaha sabaq ja lah. Then suddenly a change in plan. We had to meet up with them at Masjid Bandaraya. Ya Ampun. Ok tak pa….. foine.
Then.. settled with the transportation.. arranged our positions and all.. we started the journey ! To Ranau ! weee~
We were supposed to go to Ladang Teh Sabah.. but unfortunately, the road was dangerous, since it was raining that time.. the steep road was all slippery so.. Ladang teh Sabah Cancelled . too bad L
We moved to our second place, Poring Hot Spring ….. ha…… kat sini.. hahahaha dasyat betul kisahnya.Girls did the Canopy Walk, we went to Air Terjun and Butterfly farm. That’s all. Finished nearly 2 pm. The original plan was that we must hv started our journey to the next location at 3 pm. BUT .. muslimin.. tak sampai2 lagi. Batang hidung sorg pun tak nmpk. Muslimat yg lain tak pe lah atleast boleh rehat dlm van ! pak cik ada.. ! Me,Shaz and Syaurah had to wait for our Prez Dzul and our Tour Guide Amirul ! since the car key was with them ! We stood by the side walk.. like for an hour , and I think .. even the passing dogs recognized our faces T.T then.. Shaz called one of the guys,I don’t know what exactly happened -.- they didn’t make themselves clear. Plus, the network coverage up there was bad.. we lost contact with them for a while.Then, Shaz got a message from Naqiuddin,saying “Tolong belikan selipar saiz 9 atau 10”
HAHAHAHAHAHA hangat ahh kwn . “Dah lah lambat.. suruh beli selipar pulak!”
Aku mampu gelak ja lah time tu. The 3 of us went outside the gate..where there’s some shops on the roadside. We found some slippers , but just because we were quite angry with the boys.. we purposely bought PINK SLIPPERS for them. Well,at first thought of buying angry bird slipper.. but .. tak da saiz plak.. beli ja lah pink ni .. Kononnya nk buat mini revenge la . puih
Then we continue waiting for them near the girls’ van. Hahaha I swear their faces were like Lioness . so fierce ! bapak garang . aku pun takut .
Then.. datang lah bbdk muslimin.. sorg sorg..  dlm hati (( aik.. berpecah ka pa? gaduh ka ni ? awt suma muka sekupang?))
Sorg pun tak buka mulut. Probably takut tengok muka muslimat2 dlm van hahaha
Then I saw Amirul apologizing to Pak Cik Jamal . kesian plak.

Next.. homestay at Kundasang. We layed over Masjid Kundasang . there , SubhanaAllah.. the scenery was…. DAEBAK ! Lupa terus segala duka dan lara yg dah jadi sekejap tadi. Yg Muslimat jgn ckp ah.. selfie dah beribu kat situ saja.

Then,gerak gi Homestay. On the way to homestay.. I realized something . HandPhone !? missing in action . cari tak jumpaaaa. Then.. I asked our kind Prez and Guide Amirul to singgah masjid balik.. naseb baik dekat.. pergi lah cari phone kat masjid.. sementara yg lain dah gerak ke kedai makan.Tak jumpa juga. Honestly I wanted to cry.. but.. hehehe *malu* sedut balik air mata.. jgn turun !hilang mood hilang selera nk mkn.. biaq depa ja order.. ha order ja la pa pa pon.. aku dah tak dengar apa dah hmp ckp.. dok teringat phone ja . terkenang mak bapak suma habeh haha
Pastu, My Roommate , Sasa tried calling my number. Hoping for somebody to answer.
“Hello?” on the other side .
Ya Allah. Happy tak terkata.Fortunately, that dude was staying at a resort near that masjid too ! so he told to meet him at masjid kundasang.I was like.. apa lagi.. jom jom . Quickly ran to Dzul saying “Dah jumpa phone.. bla  bla..”
Dzul pon lari.. Amirul pon lari .. haha masuk kereta then drift to Masjid. Alhamdulillah dpt phone balik.TAPI yang sedihnya.. phone dah rosak terus. High possibilities a car ran over it.  Tak leh touch apa apa dah on the screen .. mother board rosak katanya. Sadis. Tak pa lah.. yg penting dah jumpa phone. Pastu gi kedai mkn balik.. mkn dgn seleranya. Haha
Later.. checked in Homestay.. Muslimat on the second floor, muslimin on the first floor. And semua flat. I could hear some guys berdengkoq ! ya Allah.. dengoq apa cam tu ! mcm singa yg tersumbat hidung ! but I think they made that up.. ntah lah. Dasyat sgt bunyi tu.

Ha.. I want to mention this.. homestay ni tak dak ayaq mlm tu for muslimat.. kena tadah setiap kali nk gi toilet. Aduh . dengan ayaq sejuk nak mamposssss,nangis2 amik wuduk mlm tu sbb sejuk sgt.


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