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Showing posts from 2020

Sumpitan Glamping, Lenggong, Perak

Assalamualaykum wbt. Akhirnya, ada kekuatan yang tak dapat diabaikan untuk kemaskini blog ini haha Hari ini sis nak kongsikan pengalaman 'Camping' di tempat baru! Tempat ini baru dibuka pada tahun ini dan dinamakan sebagai  Sumpitan Glamping . Glamping ini bertempat di  Daerah Lenggong, Perak Darul Rizuan . Mungkin ada yang lupa, Lenggong ini adalah kawasan Prasejarah yang dijaga tau! Ingat tak Perak Man? Lelaki prasejarah yang dijumpai tulang belulang badannya yang disebut dalam buku teks sejarah sekolah menengah? Ya, sinilah tempat asalnya.  Kepada yang meminati permandangan perkampungan dan hutan, korang mesti akan seronok datang sini. Selain daripada adanya banyak  sungai , Lenggong juga ada banyak  Gua  tau! Gua-gua ini siap boleh di'explore'. Tetapi perlu pandai-pandai hubungi ejen-ejen tempatan lah untuk bantu bimbing kita sepanjang 'exploration' dalam gua nanti.  Air terjun ? Ada! Tetapi sis tak pergi lah, tak larat nak mendaki haha Harga penginapan di S

Super Unproductive

I woke up late today. 10:50am.  Im blaming the mosquitoes for this because they attacked me last night. Multiple times. At 2 am, I woke up scratching my body here and there and went down the stairs straight to the kitchen. Opened a jar of cookies and took two of them. On one hand, holding on to the cookies and the other hand, holding a glass of water. I sat in the living room, in the dark, staring blankly at the wall while munching down the cookies. After finishing the last bite, I went back to sleep.  And here I am feeling miserable and not wanting to do anything for today.  I skipped lunch because of the guilt of eating cookies and because of the late breakfast I had at 11am. Now, I am hungry! That contributes more to the grumpiness I'm feeling now.  I do have things to do. There’s essays that I have to do for my Assignments. I have Attendance to check in into the APDM Website. I actually have a To-Do list roughly in my mind that needs to be physically listed out onto a paper! Th

Back to strangers

   A shy Hi from me,  How have you been doing?  It hadn't been long since we have known each other, We have been quite fond to one another,  You have left a big impact on me, And I was no longer just a she .  From strangers to co-workers, You were my believer, I was your passionate learner, Also a secret cheerleader. Sadly, arrangements changed,  Each secret plan halted, Hopes and dreams shattered,  Conversations had to be stopped. From co- workers to semi-strangers,  Both decided to become failures,  Deceiving hearts becoming liars, Let them fade the desires.    - Muneera, 17.10.2020  

Surat untuk Aku di Masa Depan

Sekali lagi, aku biarkan blog ini bersarang dan berhabuk. Maaf. Tidak pastilah samada diri ini tidak berdisiplin atau betul aku tidak mempunyai ruang masa dan idea untuk menulis. Jangan terkubur sudahlah impian ingin menulis buku nanti.  Semalam, aku selesai menghadiri dua mesyuarat. Satu, mesyuarat ahli kumpulan media sekolah dan satu lagi mesyuarat bersama Helwa ABIM Kedah. Ya, aku menumpang gerabak ABIM pula sekarang dengan niat untuk bergerak dan memberikan sesuatu selagi mampu. Aku tidak mampu lagi untuk tinggal duduk dan menunggu panggilan atau kesempatan kerana aku tahu, aku berisiko tinggi untuk tenggelam dengan pantas. Aku membuat keputusan untuk pergi sahaja kepada mereka yang memerlukan aku tambahan pula aku sememangnya terikat sebagai guru di sekolah mereka.  Saban waktu bekerja di sini, terasa seolah-olah aku di bawa kembali ke tangga satu. Tangga satu yang sama semasa aku, mahasiswa biasa yang dikenalkan dengan dakwah dan tarbiyah. Sejak daripada itu, hari-hari aku dan ra

Being the "ugly" different

Months ago, one of my good friends posted a beautiful writing in her Instagram story. I feel like I really need to share it to all of you. Here's what she wrote: "As a kid, I was really attracted to left-handed people because they are different. Out of the amazement, I started using my left-side for most of the things; playing badminton, soccer-- even the simplest thing like holding a book & wearing a watch (of course I even tried writing & sketching but that's when I know my limit *laughing emoji). Being different is amazing, but trying to be different by not being yourself is hard. Reflect & find yourself, that's how you're going to be different from everyone else."  (Syaurah, @syaurahnb) I felt like Allah sent her to write this for me as I have been waiting for the right opener (read: push factor) to tell my story.  What Im going to share here is a personal story of mine that had impacted me a lot since I was little girl. A story about why

Kes George Floyd, Rasisme dan Moral manusia

Apa yang kita boleh belajar daripada isu ini? Kes terbaru yang telah membanjiri media sosial adalah berkenaan kes pembunuhan seorang lelaki berkulit gelap di Minneapolis, Amerika. Pembunuh adalah seorang polis. Ya, saya juga lihat ini sebagai satu kes rasis di mana kita semua maklum bahawa kes rasis “White is superior” ini bukan perkara baru. Isu ini sudah terlalu lama dan sangat sukar untuk diatasi terutamanya di Amerika. Saya juga maklum polis yang membunuh George Floyd ini (bersama 3 lagi rakan sekerjanya) telah dikenakan tindakan undang-undang. Mereka telah pun dipenjarakan. Mungkin rakyat African-American dan seluruh rakyat berkulit gelap secara amnya merasa tindakan undang-undang yang dikenakan ke atas pesalah itu ringan, tidak membawa apa-apa makna atau kesan yang besar kepada masyarakat mereka, maka mereka memilih untuk berdemonstrasi. Mereka menyangka, mungkin dengan berdemonstrasi ini dapat mengetengahkan isu ini secara global, untuk mendapat sokongan di peringkat anta

Passion and Potential

I think I have mentioned somewhere here about me wanting to become a Vet when I was a kid. Because I was so passionate about animals, well to be exact, my mother used to only allow us to watch Animal Planet and Discovery channel at some point of our childhood, so that contributed to how that passion came about. Haha Later on, as I was growing up, learning, experiencing and see ing new things, my perspective of the world changed. So did my passion. I learnt that for the world to be a better place, I should connect the two dots. Guided perspective of the world and Passion. Passion should be the mechanism that acts as a drive to push us forward in achieving goals in the presence of guided perspectives. (Pergh. Even I am having headache writing this. Please just understand what i am trying to convey here. Haha maybe I should just stick onto writing light contents after this) Continue. Hence, I trusted my gut feeling and followed doing things I like. Which is socializing. Talking. Sharing.