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The chapter that broke me into tears

Assalamualaykum wbt.

First and foremost, I thank Allah swt for allowing me to read this morning since I find it hard to break the cycle of anxiety in me that causes me to just think about assignments and put everything else on hold. I dislike when that happens. 

Hence, I gathered up the courage to not start my day with reading article. Giving some space to my brain to relax. I took out Secret of Divine Love by A. Helwa and started reading on the page where I last stopped. 

I entered a new chapter and it’s about Prophet Muhammad SAW. When things get tough in life, reading the story of Prophet Muhammad really helps. 

“Since Prophet Muhammad SAW is fully human and not God, his humanity creates bridge of understanding between his life and the lives of all human beings” - A. Helwa

Reading this chapter reminds me of the journey Rasulullah had to take for us to embrace this beautiful religion. The point that always breaks me is the story of Rasulullah going to Taif to preach. This is not my first time crying over “Taif” story. 

Can you imagine, Rasulullah SAW walking into Taif peacefully but in return was showered with stones and cursed? He was badly injured that even his blood filled his footwear. 

And what did he do? 

“He did not pray for its destruction; rather he prayed for the people, with the hope that perhaps  their offspring might grow up to believe in the message of divine love.”


When he was asked by the companions, why didnt he return the harassments with curse, Rasulullah said, “Verily, I was not sent to invoke curses, but rather I was only sent as mercy” 

Rasulullah is also a human being just like us. He had gone through many events in life that probably not many had gone through as much as he did. He knew how it felt like to;

- be an outsider, a refugee, a stranger in a land that is not your home because he himself was exiled from his home due to his belief in Allah.

- lose someone you love, because he lost Khadija R.A and Abu Talib, all of his sons at a young age.

- be an orphan because his father died before he was born and his mother died when he was six y/o.

- be rejected by your own family members and friends; verbally and physically harassed by his neighbors and close relatives

With all that, Rasulullah put his trust in Allah and bravely walked his destiny. Now, over 1,400 years after his death, we are witnessing the growth of Islam through out the entire world. 

This story calls us to do reflection on our own life now. How are we doing now, physically, mentally and spiritually? Are we struggling? If yes, what do we need to do to champion the struggles? Have we been striving towards a better Muslim or are we still taking things and nikmat for granted? Have we put our trust in Allah or are we forgetting Him? 💔


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