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Teaching experience #1 : Evaluating Student


 Before I got a placement as a teacher, I was already a student of USM. During one of my classes, Prof. Hairul expained to us about the multiple intelligences and about how each of our children has different abilities in learning. Teachers should try their very best to understand these and explore their students ability and ways of learning. 

Prof also mentioned how teachers evaluation (i.e Pentaksiran Bilik Darjah (PBD)) should comprise all these aspects. Like, how are the children coping with their learning process and what are their abilities in class. And not to forget, their emotional intelligence should also be evaluated. 

He told us his story about going to his child’s Jayawaris and ended up getting zero insight about his son’s progress in school in terms of the above aspects. Hence, I planted a new resolution in myself that is whenever I become a teacher, I will evaluate the children thoroughly because that’s the most important insights parents would want to know. Not just their exam results. 

Last week, was my first time evaluating my students for PBD. With Prof’s words in mind, I write whole heartedly about each of my students and their characters etc. 

I sent all of the evaluation form to their respective parents. 

And suddenly yesterday, one of the parents messaged me. It broke my heart knowing the fact about this student. At the same time, I was very grateful to Allah for allowing me to write the evaluation as per taught by my lecturer. 

Imagine, If I didn’t write the evaluation properly, I would’ve not receive this kind of important information wouldn’t I ? 

Atleast now, I know how to treat this student in the most suitable way considering his situation and history. This is not to “manja” him or anything, but to ensure him to learn effectively and efficiently in class.

A lesson to learn. 

May all the teachers out there learn to evaluate the students holistically and not just by looking at their exam results — and say they are not intelligent or bad student. 

Since I am in the school system itself, I witnessed these kind of things. It is happening.


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