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This is not right

Today,we had Baazar Sejagat. It's like a mini Pasar Malam.
We have working schedule that we followed. My team's shift was in the afternoon. I cant lie. It was fun ,working in a team. Our shift was just for an hour. Although we didnt exactly worked for an hour. In fact, we worked for like 15 mins -.- because of some miscommunications in our group. The main food hasnt arrived yet that time, we dont know the price of the foods we were going to sell, the tent hasnt been decorated yet and many more. So ended up,we finished setting up all those things nearly at 1:45 pm. And my team's shift ended at 2pm. -.-  so yeah.
Didnt manage to make that much memories being at the stall.
But , of course life continues, we entertained ourselves exploring,food shopping and selfie-ing .
So yes it was fun.

Just now,after me and my friends went into the Haunted House (not bad at all,nice work ghosts from pegasus team)
I accompanied my friend to the Dataran (Where the bazaar is located) , Ya Allah. My jaw dropped. It's more like Guys' assembly!
Full of XY gens !

I hesitated in each movement.
Honestly, i hate crowded places ESPECIALLY IF IT'S CROWDED WITH MEN.
Felt like crying.Plus,it's dark there. There's not enough lighting.I cant see their faces! Anything can happen kottttt .
Argh stressed.

At that moment,a sudden thought flew into my head.
'This is not right"
'I had so much fun today absent mindedly and at the same time what if i have done some sins without me realizing it.'. Ouch T.T
Im scared.
Did i lower my gaze ?
Did i speak anything usefull or just nonsense?
Did i control my laugh?
Did i 'jaga Ikhtilat' ?
Now im sad.
May Allah protect us always from all these tricks of Syaitaan.

I hope tomorrow, second day of bazaar, i wont repeat the same mistakes i did.


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