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Survival Tips | University

Assalamualaykum warahmatullahiwabarakatuh..
ive been waiting for the right moment to write about this for like.. super long..since the day i arrived in Penang Airport hahaha *a bit of exaggeration here*. Okay, i ve been getting the same question from lots of juniors now days.Well, i know all of u know it too.. it has been trending on twitter.. #TipsMasukU. doh. and one of them is my Sister. She is quite worried about entering University, probably because it's a new place,new phenomena and most importantly that she never stayed far from family before (just like me) , yes.. the usual symptoms we get when we go to a new place. oh ! the worst part is that.. she's going to KL . Maybe that's one of the reason for her to be worrying about.
((OMG. my english has become a lot worse)) HUHUHU sorry.

so let's start listing.. do(s) and dont(s)


1.Always start your day by  'Tajdid Niat'. Meaning, renew the purpose of you being there.What was it again ? yes , to study, gain knowledge, make mama and papa proud. Is that all ? hmm no. Something is missing.We are missing the MAIN purpose. Gain knowledge for the sake of Allah. :)
Allah tells us to seek Knowledge from the cradle to the grave. Trust me,if you do this everyday, you will not feel tired,lazy,fed up or giving up to study at all.
In Surah Al Mujadilah,Verse 11, Allah says :

O you who have believed, when you are told, "Space yourselves" in assemblies, then make space; Allah will make space for you. And when you are told, "Arise," then arise; Allah will raise those who have believed among you and those who were given knowledge, by degrees. And Allah is Acquainted with what you do.

 (Allah tinggikan darjat orang yang berilmu :) )

okay done with the serious part HAHA let's start the crazy parts.

2.Be yourself.  by this, i mean.. dont hide your true potential and what you are capable of. Like if you are capable of speaking in front of the crowd, then go for it.Just because less people do that , you feel like you shouldnt do that cause you dont wanna stand out. No! Just Go for it. If you are capable of telling the truth , standing for Islam or voice out  like when you see 'maksiat' all around you, Please do so ! we need people like that for the sake of Islam.Dont worry to much of what people might say.. doh.. like they are the ones that's gonna help you in Padang Mahsyar later.. or as if they will share their pahala with you.. share Dosa lagi adalah ! 

3.Find good friends. SERIOUSLY . My advice is that find friends that not just funny,kind and all those typical ideal friend characteristics..but .  Find friends that will remind you to be near Allah,remind you of your religion, remind you of the purpose you are there,remind you of masjid, of your family.. that's the BEST type of Friends i can sure you. Cause i found mine :) in Unimas.
Having them made me feel like.. i can survive in any situation at all ! miss them badly :'(

                                                   SARANGHAE CHINGGU YA

ok .. baru no 3 dah berjela aku tulis. masyaaAllah.Let's make it short.

4.Always be positive and optimist.Everything happens for a reason that Allah knows the Best. Believe in him. Always give your best,ikhtiar and tawakkal. Study for Allah not for Exam.

5.Complete the exercises/tutorial that your lecturers give. They are super important cause most of our exam questions come from there.

6.Keep on asking questions until you understand it completely without any doubt.

7.Always 'catat' every bits of information that is not in the lecture notes as soon as it came directly from your lecturer's mouth. 

8.Be smart handling your money. Never ever buy unneed things.Plan your expenditure wisely. well.. so that.. u can use the money for Degree next year or you can go TRAVELLING with Friends! atleast u dont hv to ask your parents for extra money .. teheee

9.Keep in contact with the lecturers. Not that they will give you soalan bocor.. haha that will never happen. dont worry. It gets better when a lecturer recognizes you. serious. They will help you in anything !

10.ALWAYS CHECK AIR DLM TANDAS.JANGAN MAIN SERBU MASUK..Pastu lepas membuang baru sedar tak da air. tampaq mau ? 

11.Keep an eye on Carry Marks. They are dangerously Important.

12.Choose your labmates wisely. Dont regret later on if you choose someone that doesnt give cooperation much.

13.Remember to call family. Takpayah nk sombong sgt smpi tak call 3 bulan.

14.Be active in Cocuriculum so that you dont have to repeat it in Degree. Remember to Have fun !

15.Qiamullail :) InsyaaAllah your life will be 100 times easier.


17.Revise on what you just learnt after class for a better understanding and strong memory.

18.READ BIOLOGY EVERYDAY. even just one paragraph is good.

19.Be friendly with Roommate and Neighbours.Buat lah rukun tetangga kat situ. 

20.SOLAT AWAL WAKTU. When i did this for the first time.. i swear i feel like i gain extra time in life ! hew hew #TrueStory it's like.. i can do so many things in 24 hours.


1.Never sleep in class.

2.Dont 'Couple' . ugh . just dont. Ilmu takkan masuk dalam Hati-hati yg kotor dengan Maksiat.

3.Dont talk behind people.especially lecturers.


5.Strictly Dont SKIP CLASS. You will be banned from sitting for your Final Paper !

6.Skip Breakfast.

7.Anti Social.

8.Afraid of Ghost. pufft oh please... 

9.Enter Dorm of Opposite Sex LOL. Kids nowdays are doing that okay ?!

10.Over confident in everything.

Uni world is not bad :) It's kinda Fun . seriously . well.. i enjoyed  my asasi that's for sure. Alhamdulillah. wallahualam.


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