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Movie Review/Reflection : Maquia

Assalamualaykum wbt.
Alhamdulillahi rabbil alamin. I here by would like to apologise, because I have been procrastinating to write ever since I entered second year degree.
What made me write today you may ask?
Somehow today, I felt emotionally touched with one particular Japanese Animation Movie that I watched with my friend Hamizah after Zuhr. She called it "Weekend Movie" or something like that. Plus, it was raining so the emotion became more overwhelming. So as I was stairing at the rain drops from the edge of the roof, I thought to myself, "Today might be a good day to write". Here I am now pressing on the keyboard.

The Japanese Movie we watched was entitled, Maquia : When the promised Flower Blooms.
It's basically a story about the pure love of a mother towards her son. Maquia is a girl from another place where her Clan lives longer than normal human lifespan. On the other hand, there's this King that was very self-centered and only cared for his Throne, Wealth and Prince (If i am not mistaken) attacked Maquia's Village and took only the women. The women were forced to hand in marriage to The Prince so that they could have a heir of their own that could live longer and it must be a boy. But Maquia somehow luckily escaped during the intrude and became the only girl that were saved. That was when she met a baby in the forest which then she claimed her son. Maquia took care of her son which grew day by day and even grew matured and older than her. As the son grew older, he actually grew apart from Maquia, he was entering that crucial phase for a teenager, rebel. He is not that cute and clingy son anymore. He loves his mother but was confused too. He wanted to protect her so much so he joined the palace army. Later, Maquia was left all alone. Once, the Elderly from her Clan said this, "If you love someone, that is when you will become more lonely". It was true. She started off with having no parents with her, and now even after having a son, she was left alone again.

Okay I will stop there, do watch it yourself and find out the ending.
I really recommend you to watch it. Oh I cried, I won't lie. Such storyline deserved 10/10 points.

So after watching the movie, Hamizah asked, "What do you feel now? About being a mother".
I paused, still trying to digest her question. Then she continued, "I mean, after watching this, would you still want to be a mother?".
Yes, although being a mother is the toughest job in this world. I humbly would like to feel it. I want to feel how is it like to become a mother. Not that I am ready to get pregnant and feel the labour pain, Oh my. I wish I could skip that part. But I want to feel the love and bond between a mother and her child. Being a mother is not just about carrying and delivering the baby out of our own body. Actually, we might think that is the ultimate thing what makes a 'mother', mother. We might think that is all to it.

For me, a mother is someone who who longs for her child's happiness even if she is dying inside.
Someone who will always be with you regardless of how rebellious you turn out to be, how ungrateful you are and even when you forgets her. Someone who literally gives her life for her child.
That is a mother. 'She' does not have to be blood-related, she can be anyone from this world. But having those values, she can become a mother to someone.

Trust me, not all women can become a mother that easily.
May Allah grant us the ability to become a great mother especially mother to warriors of Islam.


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