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Showing posts from 2021

Be curious and not angry

Assalamualaykum wbt.  I would like to share some jewels that I have gotten today.  First, was from Dr Tamara Gray from Aida Azlin's Show Podcast: Anse Dr Tamara Gray said (im paraphrasing it),  "there're so many things to manage in this world - the pandemic, the islamophobia, systematic racism, strange hate growing around the world etc. Hence it can be very depressing, overwhelming and brings anxiety to us. My advice is, don't allow syaitaan, don't allow the world to put you in the state of negativity. Do anything you can to be positive. Get curious about whatever happening around you and ask yourself "what am i suppose to learn here?" instead of getting angry. Think about what is positive here and what joy can you bring from here, what joy can you bring to the world. InsyaaAllah from this, it makes difference not for one individual but to many other people. It may become the rising tide for the tarbiyah, rising tide of community care, rising tide of  

Teaching Experience #5: Another fun activity but draining

 22.9.2021 So much for the “Fun in learning”, I am now suffering from headache and neck pain After math of playing a game during our English Class. I came out of the class sweating like I just had Zumba. Haih Here’s what we did today, I wanted to teach them fixed phrases like simple questions that they use on a daily basis. To make it more interesting, I made a box filled with orange and white coloured ping pong ball They just have to draw the ping pong ball, if they get the orange one, they have to read the Question and find the answer in the Mahjong Paper (right side). If they get a white one, they have to start from looking at the answer first then find the suitable Question from the left Mahjong Paper. Simple right? But what’s not simple was controlling their excitement and eagerness to participate. Hahaha traumatised. Let’s just hope, next time, it’ll be manageable. Some pictures

Teaching Experience #4: Online Classes

15 April 2020   [English Year 6 Online Class] The thought of MCO period being extended is still haunting us (yes, by “us” I also mean the teachers) until today. Panic attack happens from time to time whenever we think about how are we going to save our students i.e the ones taking Big Exams this year. Alhamdulillah today’s first Online Class went great! We used Google Hangout and managed to share my screen so that the kids can see the questions physically and they can easily follow up with Grammar Lessons. I am using Google Classroom for my Year 1 students (for parents to print out worksheets) and Google Hangout for Year 6 students. Honestly speaking, Online Classes or Teaching and Learning from home is not easy. There’s so many possible factors that hinders an effective and efficient teaching and learning session. Technology wise, poor internet connection and gadgets-that-are-lacking-in-many-ways of those who come from poor in-come family. Environmental wise, the noises around the tea

Teaching Experience #3: Fun activities with kids

  Today’s activity Topic: Lunchtime After each of them pasted the papers, I said “Thank You”. Then, one of the girls said, “Teacher, kalau orang kata Thank You kita kena jawab You are Welcome kan?” “Ya betul tu, Pandai kamu”, I replied short. “Saya tengok kat dalam 7 Hari MencintaiMu, dia kata macam itu”, She said happily. Ohhh wow. I was speechless.

Teaching Experience #2 : The Best Paycheck Ever!

25.2.2020 We are reaching the end our ninth week teaching. Alhamdulillah something to be proud of actually. Yesterday, we received our salaries. But it wasn’t as exciting as compared to what I just received today. Try guessing what it is. A standard 3 girl, apparently a sister to one of my standard 1 boys came to my office and passed the news to me. “Teacher, did you know? Just now, I went to your class and I heard that 1 Abu Bakar (1AB) accidentally spoke in english to their Sirah Teacher.” (Translation of what she said) I smiled ear to ear upon hearing that. I have been eagerly waiting for them to be able to speak simple english since my first day at school! And they actually did it! From zero knowledge of basic phrases to simple “Teacher, may I go to the toilet?” , “Teacher, can I go drink water?” and “Teacher, can I ask?”. What more could a teacher ask? Isn’t this the best paycheck any teacher would want to get? I thought to myself, in deed Allah repays every single effort we put

Teaching experience #1 : Evaluating Student

21.07.2020  Before I got a placement as a teacher, I was already a student of USM. During one of my classes, Prof. Hairul expained to us about the multiple intelligences and about how each of our children has different abilities in learning. Teachers should try their very best to understand these and explore their students ability and ways of learning.  Prof also mentioned how teachers evaluation (i.e Pentaksiran Bilik Darjah (PBD)) should comprise all these aspects. Like, how are the children coping with their learning process and what are their abilities in class. And not to forget, their emotional intelligence should also be evaluated.  He told us his story about going to his child’s Jayawaris and ended up getting zero insight about his son’s progress in school in terms of the above aspects. Hence, I planted a new resolution in myself that is whenever I become a teacher, I will evaluate the children thoroughly because that’s the most important insights parents would want to know. No

The chapter that broke me into tears

Assalamualaykum wbt. First and foremost, I thank Allah swt for allowing me to read this morning since I find it hard to break the cycle of anxiety in me that causes me to just think about assignments and put everything else on hold. I dislike when that happens.  Hence, I gathered up the courage to not start my day with reading article. Giving some space to my brain to relax. I took out Secret of Divine Love by A. Helwa and started reading on the page where I last stopped.  I entered a new chapter and it’s about Prophet Muhammad SAW. When things get tough in life, reading the story of Prophet Muhammad really helps.  “Since Prophet Muhammad SAW is fully human and not God, his humanity creates bridge of understanding between his life and the lives of all human beings” - A. Helwa Reading this chapter reminds me of the journey Rasulullah had to take for us to embrace this beautiful religion. The point that always breaks me is the story of Rasulullah going to Taif to preach. This is not my f

Feeling demotivated?

Assalamualaykum wbt.  As most of you might know, I entered this not-so-new journey call Master's Degree study in Educational Psychology. Truth to be told, ever since COVID-19 hit Malaysia and ruined our face-to-face learning style, I have been feeling rather lonely in this journey. It is far from how my degree studies were. Although, completing degree studies in UNIMAS back in 2019 was tough but it was never this lonely. It's not that I don't have friends, I have many kind souls as classmates now, just that it's all about virtual connection now. I am one of those type of people who do not prefer virtual thingy because I connect deeper with people in reality.  Hence, I kept on losing my motivation along the way. Every day is a day where I have to remind myself of why I chose to pursue my studies. Sometimes, I browse Youtube for some motivational videos to get me to study. Sad right? But that was literally how I tried to get motivation. (Great, now it's raining heavil