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Showing posts from 2016

Segala sesuatu..

Assalamualaykum, Segala sesuatu.. Yang kelam kembali bercahaya Yang pudar kembali jelas Yang menjadi persoalan mendapat jawapannya Yang resah kembali tenang Yang lemah kembali bersemangat Yang jatuh kembali bangun Yang sedih kembali terpujuk Yang berat menjadi ringan Inilah apa yang dirasai apabila berpegang teguh dengan kalimah dan firman Allah dalam AlQuran. Walaupun diri ini bukan seorang penghafaz AlQuran mahupun seorang yg faham bahasa AlQuran, tetapi dengan sedikit ilmu yang dipelajari, dengan sisa-sisa waktu diluangkan untuk beberapa kerat ayat-ayat Allah,ilmu yang sempat ditadahkan telinga ini dari mana-mana majlis ilmu sudah mampu menambat hati ini dengan kata-kata Allah swt. Tidak ada yang boleh menjatuhkan, memesongkan tanpa izinNya.

i Miss yoU

Assalamualaykum, Rindu T.T Reading all those messages in whatsapp group Kelas Bahasa Al Quran w a heavy heart,mak cik2 always update what they learn. I still remember what Mak cik R said when I told her im going back to Sarawak for degree. She was like , “Lepas ni takdok dah la orang yang nak jawab soalan Ustaz, selalu kamu yang dok jawab”  (In Kedah Slang) . “Sunyi lah kelas bahasa Arab lepas ni” T.T    Since im the only teenage girl there, I received all the motherly and fatherly attention from them. And that’s what making me miss the class more. I went to Arab Language class for almost 3 months already,ever since I finished my Foundation Studies.Everytime the class starts,we recite Quran first,then Tadabbur some verses before we start learning the Language of Jannah. “Ustaz,kat Sarawak tak dak ka kelas mcm ni? Tak dak MAPIM ka sat sana? Kalau ada boleh lah saya sambung kelas di sana.” No, Ustaz said there’s no MAPIM here. And he is not sure about any oth

Aku Mahal

Assalamualaykum wbt . Kenapa ya ? Kenapa kau 'desperate' sangat mahukan lelaki suka pada kau ? Kenapa kau mahukan sangat berteman lelaki ? Adakah sebab kawan2 kau yang lain ada 'Bf' ? Aku 'curious' apa lelaki itu boleh bagi pada kau ya ? Baik,aku ada satu cerita, Dulu,aku pernah rasa macam itu,rasa mahukan seorang teman lelaki.Walaupun aku sendiri tak tahu kenapa aku nak.Tetapi,aku disekolahkan di Convent,iaitu sekolah semua perempuan.Jadi,memang tak ada peluang langsunglah. Selepas itu,naik sekolah menengah,mak suruh aku pindah ke sekolah campur.Mak nak aku tengok sendiri macam mana perangai dan karenah lelaki ini sebenarnya.Mak nak aku faham sendiri dan fikir betul-betul.Dari situ juga,aku tengok maksiat berleluasa macam virus. Tetapi,jauh di sudut hati aku, masih berbaki perasaan mahu cuba ada Bf itu. Alhamdulillah,Allah lindungi aku,tahu macam mana ? Tak ada sesiapa pun yang berani tegur aku,luahkan perasaan ke atau nak cuba ke..tak ada. Mungkin

Muslim Itu Bersaudara

Assalamualaykum,  i was in the middle of reading a book ,entitled  'Ini Sejarah Kita' by Thoriq Ahmad.Then i ran into this one subtopic and i feel like sharing 'em. It's in Malay so.. there's no way im gonna translate them into English cause im still a cute baby in English. Sesungguhnya Muslim itu Bersaudara. Allah swt. menggambarkan ikatan persaudaraan antara mukmin dengan kata Ikhwah . Kata ikhwah sebenarnya dikhususkan untuk orang yang memiliki nasab kekeluargaan sedangkan kata ikhwan maksudnya lebih umum kepada persaudaraan dalam persabahatan. (( It shows that how Allah emphasize the relationship between a mukmin and another mukmin is as strong as family relation )) Allah swt. maha adil.Dia tidak menjadikan seorang Arab atau seorang Melayu melebihi bangsa yang selainnya kerana tindakan itu adalah kezhaliman buat orang-orang Cina, India dan selainnya. Suatu ketika seorang sahabat Nabi yang berasal dari Parsi,Salman duduk bersama teman mu

Survival Tips | University

Assalamualaykum warahmatullahiwabarakatuh.. ha.. ive been waiting for the right moment to write about this for like.. super long..since the day i arrived in Penang Airport hahaha *a bit of exaggeration here*. Okay, i ve been getting the same question from lots of juniors now days.Well, i know all of u know it too.. it has been trending on twitter.. #TipsMasukU. doh. and one of them is my Sister. She is quite worried about entering University, probably because it's a new place,new phenomena and most importantly that she never stayed far from family before (just like me) , yes.. the usual symptoms we get when we go to a new place. oh ! the worst part is that.. she's going to KL . Maybe that's one of the reason for her to be worrying about. ((OMG. my english has become a lot worse)) HUHUHU sorry. so let's start listing.. do(s) and dont(s) Do(s) 1. Always start your day by  'Tajdid Niat' . Meaning, renew the purpose of you being there.What was it again ? ye

Final Episode of Asasi Drama

Assalamualaykum , *trumpet sounds* plus *drum roll* ENDED MY FOUNDATION STUDIES Alhamdulillah . weeeeeee... no more packed schedules :') finally . after 6 months living out there without family beside,at last, reunited hehe Very grateful to Allah for giving me(us) the chance to study Alhamdulillah,whereas so many out there cant study right ? so,from now on , i will be facing these typical questions :- "How's final exam?" <<<< (always hesitate to answer that) "What's ur next plan?" "What do you plan to do for degree?" "How's Sarawak?How's the food?" "Mun! why you look thin?" <<<< (SOALAN PALING MEMBAHAGIAKAN) i need to find answers to those questions fast . hmmm So what happened on the last Episode of Asasi Drama ? first, of course Final Biology Paper second,Gala Night uolls! haha lastly, self Reflection Alhamdulillah i learnt HUGE things Bismillahirahmanirahim. First,

Tips: How to Handle Kids

XP Assalamualaykum, Alhamdulillah im still alive. This horrible March is coming to an end. Phew. Next month,FINAL then GOING BACK TO KEDAH. Really miss my home. Okay. Since someone asked me , "How do you handle kids? Teach me please" I smiled to that question. :) Ill try to answer that question. Back at home,we hv so many children. Well,obviously because my sisters n brothers got married around the same time.. So they hv babies around the same time too.. Which is now. So i hv like.. 14 nieces and nephews plus 2 more kids (my own sis n bro) so total of 16 kids at home. #HAPPINESS alhamdulillah having kids bring brightness and laughter to the family, it's a reward from Allah. Okay let me share some tips on how to handle kids : (bajet pro) 1.You must really love children. Not for the sake of people,like we want ppl to see us as a loving person. No. 2.Need Sabr. Patience. Lots of patience is needed to control kids.Kids dont like to be pushed or forced. So

This is not right

Assalamualaykum. Today,we had Baazar Sejagat. It's like a mini Pasar Malam. We have working schedule that we followed. My team's shift was in the afternoon. I cant lie. It was fun ,working in a team. Our shift was just for an hour. Although we didnt exactly worked for an hour. In fact, we worked for like 15 mins -.- because of some miscommunications in our group. The main food hasnt arrived yet that time, we dont know the price of the foods we were going to sell, the tent hasnt been decorated yet and many more. So ended up,we finished setting up all those things nearly at 1:45 pm. And my team's shift ended at 2pm. -.-  so yeah. Didnt manage to make that much memories being at the stall. But , of course life continues, we entertained ourselves exploring,food shopping and selfie-ing . So yes it was fun. . . . UNTIL Just now,after me and my friends went into the Haunted House (not bad at all,nice work ghosts from pegasus team) I accompanied my frie

Missing Piece

Assalamualaykum. Just sharing. These few days,some of my friends hv been worrying about how they are feeling. Somehow,they feel empty. The feel something missing. *You know when you go back to your Grandparents' house and they are not there anymore.. that kind of missing feel you had .. painful right ?* But This feel is more than that, because you DON'T know what's causing it to feel this way. Now,They are trying their best to find out what is the missing piece     When they told me this, I was taken back by their situation. I knew they were hoping for some advices from me. But unfortunately, i seriously dont know what to say. All i can say is that, Keep searching for the missing piece. Keep in mind that,maybe Allah wants us to search for it,search for Him. Plead Him for the Peace of Heart. You Know what? Allah loves us more than the love of a mother to her child. No Kidding. Probably we hv been carried away by our busy lives and we forgot to please Him,we for

Worth It

Assalamualaykum, Ive been listening to Harris J – Worth It. Then I realized the lyrics are so meaningful. It contains all the things that hv been laying mixed in my head. It's way too late, but I'm still wide-awake ‘Cause I can't sleep yet, I can't sleep yet Got a thousand words, That won't stop running circles Around in my head, around in my head Sometimes I feel just like these days and nights will never end But will I ever get this chance again? So I pray, yes I pray ‘Cause I know the life I want When it's hard, I keep working I‘ll never give this up Because I know, it's worth, it in the end I know it's worth, worth, worth Worth it in the, in the end Yeah I know sometimes I should relax my mind And take it easy, take it easy If I fight my way through every single page Then I'm a winner, I'm not a quitter, no! Sometimes I feel just like these days and nights will never end But will I ever get this chance again? So I pray, yes

Jaulah Ke Sabah [ Part II ]

Day 3- Thursday (11 Feb 16) That morning.. Mesyi said the scenery there during the sunrise will be splendid .. so.. apalagi.. I grabbed the camera.. keluar rumah dgn Zakiah, jln2 kat luar to capture the precious moment. Cantik sgt sgt sgt Pastu.. balik homestay tu.. muslimat , pak cik , and anas dok masak. Maggi ! breakfast maggi kot ! Sedapppp Mcm Haziq ckp.. felt like we were one big family J Then, we checked out from there. Went to Pekan Kundasang. We went to – War Memorial,Pusat Latihan Dakwah and… DESA CATTLE.KG MESILOU. Perghhh seriously acah acah kat New Zealand sat. Nah tgk je gmbar2 kat bawah ni ye. Then… Kinabalu Park, Rumah Terbalik and 3D Museum ! Malam tu pi.. Darul Hadis ! dengan mata separuh bukak.. otak x stabil semua.. gagahkan diri juga.. sbb dah janji . Ketibaan kami disambut dengan Qasidah Adik2 Tahfiz ..YA Allah.. Rasa bersalah plak sbb melawat depa dgn muka cam panda bear ni